WINGS Shelter is proud to introduce an exciting new initiative for 2025: Champions of Hope

This program invites local businesses and community groups to sign up as a featured Champion for one month, taking a leading role in creating social impact and giving hope to families fleeing domestic violence. As a Champion of Hope, your business or group can support WINGS in a variety of impactful ways, including:

Utilize WINGS’ peer-to-peer fundraising platform to rally your team, customers, and community to support this vital cause.

Raising Funds

Host a drive for critical items such as toiletries, non-perishable food, diapers, or cleaning supplies - essential resources for families starting over.

Collecting Essentials

Organize an event, like a silent auction, a fun run, a team-building initiative, or a customer appreciation day, with proceeds going to WINGS.

Hosting an Event

Pledge a percentage of your sales, or proceeds from the sale of a specific item, transforming business success into hope and healing for families in need.

Donating Sales

Thinking Creatively

Collaborate with WINGS to develop a unique initiative that aligns with your business values and creates meaningful impact.

By becoming a featured Champion of Hope for one month, your business or group will be prominently celebrated on WINGS’ website and social media channels, showcasing your leadership and dedication to the community. You’ll play a crucial role in empowering women and children as they transition from crisis to independence, restoring hope and building stronger, brighter futures. Signing up is easy, and the impact you make will last a lifetime.

To learn more, choose your month, or explore ways to get involved, contact Debbie at

Together, we can inspire change, uplift lives, and make 2025 a year filled with hope and purpose - one month, one Champion, one community at a time.

  • Capital Power

    A Proud Champion of Hope for March

  • Purolator

    A Proud Champion of Hope for March

  • TD Insurance

    February’s Champion of Hope

  • Bee & Key Boutique

    January’s Champion of Hope