Third-Party Fundraising
WINGS Third-Party Fundraising
Thank you for your interest in hosting a third-party fundraising event to benefit the WINGS of Providence Society (WINGS). These types of events help us raise important funds each year, and we are grateful for your support.
WINGS is honoured to be the recipient of events and initiatives hosted by a diverse community of supporters. We’re excited to work with you!
A third-party fundraising event is any activity by a non-affiliated group or individual, where WINGS has no fiduciary responsibility and little to no staff involvement. These events are hosted by an outside party who wishes to hold a promotion, event, or sale to benefit WINGS.
In order to preserve the integrity of the WINGS name and establish expectations for every involved party, WINGS must approve all events and initiatives in advance.
Ideas for Fundraising
Peer-to-Peer Online Fundraiser
Use our online Peer-to-Peer fundraising platform to create your own fundraising campaign and encourage your friends and family to support your efforts. We can create your personalized fundraising page to share why you support WINGS and to collect donations through credit cards or Apple Pay.
It’s fun and easy to use!
Run for WINGS
Make your marathon, half, 10K or 5K matter. Ask your friends and family to support you in your next big race by raising funds for WINGS!
Birthdays, Weddings & Anniversaries
In lieu of gifts, request guests to provide a donation to WINGS instead. We can provide you with a donation tracking sheet for cash or cheques or a custom event fundraising page to share why you support WINGS and to collect donations through credit cards or Apple Pay.
Host an Event
Host and event and charge for attendance. Proceeds of the event can be donated to WINGS.
School Fundraiser
Encourage your child’s school to host an event like a bike-thon, read-a-thon, or a bake sale. We can provide a donation tracking sheet for cash or cheques or a custom event fundraising page to share about why the school wants to support WINGS and to collect online donations through credit cards or Apple Pay.
Contact us about your next fundraising idea!
Candace Smallwood, CFRE
Director of Resources & Development
Mobile: 780-974-3190
Email: Csmallwood@wingsofprovidence.ca
Third-Party Fundraising Guidelines
The applicant must await approval from WINGS before proceeding with the initiative.
The WINGS of Providence Society name and logo are the sole property of WINGS of Providence Society and can only be used with the organization’s written permission.
All promotional materials, electronic or print, must clearly state the portion of net proceeds that will benefit WINGS.
The promotional material must clearly state that you and/or your organization are conducting a fundraising initiative “In support of the WINGS of Providence Society.” All promotional material, electronic or print, MUST be approved by WINGS prior to distribution. Any electronic promotions must be in compliance with Canada’s anti-spam legislation.
Proceeds to WINGS must be remitted within 30 days of the event or every third month for ongoing initiatives.
The applicant is responsible for any financial costs associated with the initiative and no costs will be incurred by WINGS unless otherwise agreed to in writing prior to the commencement of this initiative.
The applicant is responsible for ensuring liability insurances are in place.
Tax receipting must be compliant with Canada Revenue Agency and WINGS policies.
Applications are approved for a defined period. WINGS must be notified immediately of any schedule changes or cancellations.
The applicant is responsible for all aspects of the fundraising initiative, including but not limited to: recruiting & managing volunteers, advertising, press releases and solicitation. Promotion on WINGS communication platforms is at the discretion of WINGS.
WINGS does not approve initiatives that pose a health hazard, solicit door-to-door, solicit through telemarketing or utilize vending machines, coin boxes or pass-the-hat types of donation collection.
WINGS does not approve initiatives or events hosted by groups that discriminate against people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, faith, age, disability or any other human rights-protected characteristic.
WINGS reserves the right to withdraw approval of an initiative, at any time, should it not comply with the values and fundraising guidelines of the WINGS of Providence Society, the Donor Bill of Rights, the AFP Code of Ethical Standards, or differs, in any way, from the original fundraising application.